Friday, March 4, 2011

live, laugh, dream, design

i'm really not that great at taking photos. believe me, it's something i'm working on, because i have so much love and respect for photographers. but if you can look past the shoddiness of the image quality, i wanted to share with you my first completed project for uni.

this is a papercut i made to fit the galllery name "portrait". i love the fact that i'm studying architecture, and yet i get to make pretty pictures that have nothing to do with the fact :) anywho, for a first attempt at die cutting, i'm pretty chuffed with myself :p thus far, i haven't shared any pictures of my own work, only the amazing images, garments and artworks of incredible designers i adore, but if i keep practising my photography so that it reaches a standard i'm not ashamed of sharing, then maybe soon i'll have more to show.


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